“I will never look at a date as dinner and a movie again. Wingman Date Night has raised my game forever.” –WDN Member
Wingman Date Night was a concept I started over 12 years ago– on accident.
I wanted to start dating more, but didn’t know how to go about it: Where to go, what to do, how to do it, what they like, how to be different, etc.
So, I took out a sheet of paper and wrote ‘DATE IDEAS’ on top and then started to list all of the cool ideas that I had; it didn’t take very long. But as time grew, the list grew with it. When I would come home from a date, I would document how it went, what it cost, what was good about it, and how I could change it for the better. This went on for a very long time; so whenever I met someone new and asked them out on a date, I always had “date night” covered. I had my little cheat sheet, if you will.
I have crashed and burned, like everyone else. But I learned.
I began to understand what is involved in a great date, and then began tailoring my own custom dates. I would search out all the fun and exciting things to do around town, and then create a fun date around them. After extensive feedback and multiple requests, I have decided to share all of them for you to go and enjoy. Whether you are single, recently divorced, or married for 20 years, you will easily find well over 100+ dates inside that are sure to be a great time together!
Also, once you join Wingman Date Night, you will receive a custom members only card with your own unique id #, which will get you fantastic discounts at places all over town! There are dates inside ranging from outdoor activities, to weekend getaways, to seasonal holiday dates.
There also is an entire section dedicated to very unique, and personal gift ideas I have discovered over the years. Trust me, your significant other will LOVE these ideas that she definitely has never gotten before!
This list is ever growing, so stop by often for new awesome dates that continue to be updated.
Don’t be that guy that just shrugs his shoulders and just does dinner and a movie, or takes her to that same restaurant that you two ate at last week. You need a plan, a road map, or blueprint for where to take her—This is it. Your new blueprint for date night.
Remember: Don’t just wing it, Have a plan.
Be the man!
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